The number of available slots for the Symposium is limited.
All registration forms will be treated on a strictly first come first served basis. Once the maximum number of participants has been reached, the online payment facility will be removed.
Registration cancellations received within 14 days of registration are eligible to receive a full refund less a US$ 50 administration fee. Cancellations received after the stated deadline will not be eligible for a refund but replacements are possible with payment of an administration fee of US$50. Cancellation requests must be received in writing. All refunds will be settled after the symposium. A day is considered as 24 hours.
Participants are advised to take out appropriate insurance covering hotel, medical, travel and other personal costs, and including Third-Party Liability.
Hotels/Residences are to be chosen and booked under the sole responsibility of the individual participants. The individual appertaining provisions apply. Participants and their respective companions shall likewise be responsible for settling their respective bills directly with their hotels/residences. The hotels mentioned in the website are only suggestions.
The tours mentioned in the website are likewise merely suggestions of the organizers and are optional on the part of the participants. Participants are responsible for their own tour bookings with the respective Tour Operator as contracting partner.
Registrants are deemed to have registered freely and voluntarily as Participants for this event and by doing so, they understand and agree that they may be photographed. They agree to allow their photos, videos, or film likenesses to be used for any legitimate purpose by the event holders, producers, sponsors, organizers, and/or assigns.
In consideration of their registration and inclusion as Participants, they are deemed to have taken the following action for himself/herself and his/her companions: (A) Waive, release, and discharge from any and all liability for death, disability personal injury, property damage, property theft or actions of any kind which may hereafter accrue to the Participants on account of traveling to and from this event, or attending this event or any of its activities, the following entities or persons: IMCOS, the IMCOS Representative Philippines, Gallery of Prints, RLI Gallery Systems, Inc., PHIMCOS, and all its members and their Families, and their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives and agents, the event sponsors and event volunteers, (B) indemnify and hold harmless all entities or persons mentioned in this paragraph from any and all liabilities or claims made by other individuals or entities as a result of the actions of the Participants or their respective companions during the event.
IMCOS, the IMCOS Representative Philippines, Gallery of Prints, RLI Gallery Systems, Inc., PHIMCOS, and all its members and their Families have no liability whatsoever in connection with this Symposium and the participation of any person or entity. The Symposium is governed by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.